Before I went to meet with Sr. Pietrina on Tuesday, I read….rather coincidentally…or not, 2 passages from “My Dearest Daughters” given to me by Sr. Gina. These excerpts from Mother Cabrini’s writings were compiled into short alphabetized notes about various topics (humility, Mother Cabrini’s Birthday, simplicity, etc.). I flipped open the book…to Vocation:
“The harvest is great, the laborers are few! To you, Christian maidens, do I speak especially, love God and make yourselves active with zeal that burns in you. Help your poor abandoned brethren who are the price of the blood of Christ. Join our band and try to give a large number of souls to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Your love must be active as that of Jesus on Golgotha. ‘I thirst,’ cried Jesus, ‘for souls.’ If you love God, come forth, have courage, the devil laughs at the timid, whereas he fears and filies from energetic souls. Are you fearful? She who trusts in God and distrusts herself, need fear nothing because stripped of herself and strong with the strength of God, and faith with humility, she can do everything. Mind, dangers exist only for those who put themselves in the way of them, who mix up the things of the world with the things of God. On the other hand, those who are untrammeled with the things of the world, seek God alone and his service and glory, run no risk.
Worldlings look with esteem on religious who give up the pleasures of the world; they revere them and will have recourse to them in their needs. What an honor, Christian maidens, if God calls you to extend his kingdom. Let us be up and doing!”
The second time I opened it, it was to Desires:
“As soon as we begin to desire Jesus, he begins to favor us, because pious and holy desires are like the forerunners of God in the soul, and as soon as we, by the grace of God, form a holy desire, the Holy Spirit, as St. Paul says, will work in us. Let us supplicate him, then to inspire us with ardent desires which will prepare us to receive him.
You, dear daughters, know what weight our desires have with the Heart of Jesus, because many and great and special are the graces that the Omnipotent has given you from the first moment that you longed to consecrate yourself totally to his divine service. You, yourselves, surrounded and weighed down by the sweet weight of so many graces received from him. Often exclaim, ‘Why so much grace and this foretaste of heaven?’ It was our loving Lord, wounded in depths of his Divine Heart by your ardent desire of being his without reserve, and making him loved and known to all, even at the cost of life itself. Yes, every grace which you have received is a special token of God’s love for you. How consoling is the thought of God’s goodness!”
That was enough for one sitting! I felt like she was talking directly to ME! I could do not try it again…that would be too WEIRD!
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