Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A Clean Heart is a Free Heart

This phrase is taken from a quote of Mother Teresa, I believe. We can also look to Psalm 51:10 for thoughts on seeking to have created within us a new heart, washed clean.

I have been 'meaning' to share ANYTHING about where I have been in the last month, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Processed over and over again through closing out this year, debriefing, and talking about the future, it is evident of the 'cleansing' and freedom that has come from this year!

Truth be told, I do feel overstimulated, busy, and slightly anxious about all that will go on in the next week or so before I go to Ecuador. Amidst all of this has come so much good. There have been so many great conversations over, coffee, dinner, an elevator ride, an eye exam, etc. All pointing me to the understanding and appreciation for the work of cleansing, and the experience of freedom.

Thematically, this is to-be-continued. I presume that when I am in Ecuador I will have a little more time to process this month, and the experiences to come! Stay tuned...many apologies for late postings...have no fear, la vida misionera is not over!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

It's 3:15am

Yes, yes it is. It is 3:15 am...presuming that I can get back to this when my body is less sleepy, stay tuned for info on: status update and appreciation of community.

Hopes for all to have a blessed Thursday! :)