Thursday, April 29, 2010

Wednesday is the Longest, BUT...

Depending on the Wednesday, I can start as early as 9 or 10, and because of my ESL class at night, I can stay as late as 9 or 10. This past Wednesday was an example of a long day, but more importantly, and example of a full and blessed Wednesday!

I was on my way walking from the train to Immigrant Services, where I was greeted by one of the sweetest men that is generally around the area during the day. He waved to me from across the street, and when I went over, he wished me (and I wished him) the best for the day, but not only that, the best for the rest of my life. He wished for me that I pursue whatever it is that makes me happy, and that I not be brought down by anything. What a great blessing at 8am (went in a little early)!

From the office, I went to the Mexican Consulate to meet a client of mine. It was the second time that week that I went to spend time waiting there. I continue not to be surprised by what people need to go through, rather to be impressed by their resilience! I spent about 4 hours in the Mexican Consulate, and another hour in a different Mexican office with my client, and though it presented a lot of work to be done, and not a ton of help, we both left optimistic about this process! I wish I could be more specific, but the more general point is that everything really is 'un gran tramite' ...huge process.

While we were sitting in the office waiting to see an employee, a guy walked into the Consulate and said to the, seemingly African American, security officer. "I may be the only non-Mexican person in here!" I looked at him, wanting to say..."Could generalize anymore?" ...Besided the fact that it IS the MEXICAN consulate, I count among one of probably other people that were NOT Mexican...This comment, though innocent, was another reminder to me, how diverse we all really are. If I, a person of Chinese and Polish decent, not only was seen as Mexican, but was treated like a Mexican woman, then how important is it that we not look at people and type them as a certain race (and worse, act on that!)

After the consulate and other Mexican office, I made it to the senior sister's residence in time to have my weekly lunch with them. While I was there, two important things happened.

FIrst, I talked to the Dr. about my incident last weekend. He said that he's not too concerned about me....young women are the most likely to faint. Their BPs are naturally lower than most people's, so any drop, makes a young woman likely to that's what I did! Aware that I am going to be out of the county for Jul/Aug, he only recommended that I be checked out before I go. Also, I'm not going to drink wine anymore(even a half of glass did me in)!

Second, I talked to one of the senior sisters, who, until recently, had some negative sentiment attached to me. Her comments, were always like "Oh, her again!" "She's so..." fill in the blank! It was always somewhat sarcastic, but I couldn't understand where that came from, because we never really talked! I do know that she's dealing with dementia, so I just let it go...BUT this week, it changed! I saw her twice this week. The first time she looked me right in the eye, and said, "Do you remember what I told you? You ARE a missionary. Before you didn't think so, but you ARE." We've never had that conversation, but even the fact that it happened in that way was such a beautiful thing. I LOVED that interaction! The second time I talked to her, she said, "In the end, nothing matters accept that you're honest. That's what I am. I saw right through you, didn't I? You were made for us. Some come and then they change their mind and decide that they don't like it anymore, but not you." WOW. That's pretty awesome! The other miracle is that though she struggles for the names of sisters that she's lived with for years, somehow she remembers mine, and I never even told her what it was!

On my way back to the office I ran into another one of my guys that hangs out around the train, and he said to me, "Mama, you missed it, I almost died." What happened. "My angels came, mama, you know about them, I've already told you." This is true and so wonderful. I don't know much of what his story is, but if he believes in angels, and that they save him, then that's pretty awesome too!

In the evening, I had my ESL class, and my students are not only intelligent and hardworking, but incredibly thoughtful. They all brought food to class to celebrate my birthday! One student dropped off a beautiful cake from China town with my name on it and everything! Others brought food, such as chips, candy, and the most delicious dumplings! they know me lol. We had a great time and good conversation before getting into more formal work with conditional, but I continue to be blessed by their presence (energy, positivity, hardwork, kindness, generosity, etc.) every week!

One of my students stayed behind. She asked me if we helped people to find work, or had any job postings we know about. What she really needed was to tell me about a problem that she's having with her family that she works for. She is an in-home nanny. Typically these types of nannies make $10/hr. Other's that travel to work and live outside get paid more, like $12-14/hr. She only get's paid $6.50. In addition, she works one full weekend per month for no extra money! My first thought was that she was being taken advantage of because she is an immigrant....which is true. But she told me that she's been a citizen for years! This is not okay! Nobody, especially someone that is citizen of this country, should be getting paid less than minimum wage, and working a weekend per month for free. Especially in Manhattan! She said to me, "They have the money, she just doesn't want to. My sister had tried to call, but she doesn't understand and just says, 'It's okay.'" It's NOT okay! So, she asked me to help her. I said that I wanted to try to help her with the family, as she's not confident in her English in that env, and then if they will not pay her what she deserves, then to help her find other work. She is one of the most caring women that I have ever met and her last family LOVED having her, but the mom decided to stay home and they had to let her go. That mom has even tried to contact her current employer, and...NOTHING. :( We'll get this sorted out! When she talked to me, the restrictions, lack of pay, etc left me sensing the way that people are still enslaved by power here ...we have to get this sorted out!

I was walking by one of the guard booths near my house and two men were standing outside of it. As I was just passed them, one said, "How have you been." I started to answer because I thought he was talking to me, and then I realized that he had to be talking to the next person. "Oh, sorry." "Why are you sorry, of course I am talking to you" How have you been?...that implies generally having met a person before, but this man was new lol He was very funny. He was born in Panama, and has been in the US for about 40 years, but likes WI teams (Packers, Bucks, Badgers, Brewers, etc.)!! Towards the end of our conversation, he first told me to keep smiling, and then said. "But, whatever you do, always go to God. Not only when you need it, or when you need something, but ALWAYS." He said, "What does a man do when he's thirsty?" I said, "He gets something to drink. But he goes grocery shopping even before he knows that he'll need it!" "YES! Have a good night. And don't forget, we were meant to meet! Everything happens for a reason." I am becoming more and more sure of that fact everyday!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Trading Community for American Idol, Not Acceptable

I will admit that I do like to watch American Idol...let's start there!

In our community, we started to watch American Idol when the season began. It was the first time that the girls and I had even incorporated TV into what we did here! But once Dancing with the Stars began, we had a problem! What to do?

We thought we found the perfect solution, haha! Michelle and I decided to meet up at the senior sister's convent, where they have more than one tv, perfect, right? I got there at 7:30 to wait for her to show up and went up a few minutes before 8 to turn it on, make popcorn, etc. In a way, we were celebrating the return of AI...BUT when I turned on the TV, to channel 5, the channel that I was sure was Fox, Dancing with the Starts was on! So I went to 7 (ABC), and....Dancing with the Stars was on that channel, too!

Haha, Mary! I didn't know that 5 and 7 are both ABC in that building....figures! Michelle showed up, and we just watched part of a movie til 9:30pm, but it was kind of a long trip to not watch it lol!

THEN, we literally RAN to catch our bus home. It wouldn't stop, even though it saw us, and it came(to the beginning of the route) early! But we caught it. As soon as we started on the route, we ran into a police we waited on the bus about 20 min before the driver told us that we should get off and walk over to another bus. So, that sounded like a good idea! :) But then we waited for about 20 minutes, and the bus didn't come! So we started to walk to the train station! We decided to take the F up...but then we go on the downtown rather than uptown train! haha!!! Finally caught the uptown F to 23rd and took another bus home. An hour and a half later, we definitely learned our lesson!

Moral of the Story: Do not leave your own community just because you want to watch a TV show!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Happy Birthday...or something like that!

A two-day birthday celebration has left me feeling incredibly thankful to be safe, healthy and alive!! :)

On Friday, I worked the day of my birthday. Did the usual, heading up to the upper-west side to teach, came back to the office in the afternoon. One of my students I tutor came, brining me cake, and a gift! Another student from my Wednesday class came to bring me some mango chicken that he made for me! While I was tutoring, flowers came for me from Jules (stinker!). They were so beautiful!

From work I came home to grab my bag and headed to meet the girls at Grand Central. We were headed upstate to spend the night with the CYFM, Cap Corps Volunteers. Crys and Michelle had spent Thursday to Friday up there with their senior girls on retreat. They came back with the students, but we went back up to spend the night at their house. It was so wonderful!! They decorated their house for my birthday and Brian made dinner which was so delicious! They invited the friars over (sharing what I am doing next year -discerning applying in the fall- gave me a chance to verbalize it, and every time I did, it came with a little more ease and excitement!), and we had tacos and cake! Then a couple of their cadet friends from West Point came over, and we all played some games, we had a blast!! Thanks to all that contributed to that effort!

Saturday we slept in and made pancakes for breakfast. Then we went bowling, which I LOVED!!!! And we made it to the train station just in time to get back to the city for dinner with the sisters! Everything up until this point was very enjoyable, and I am so grateful to everyone for making my birthday so wonderful! But then I ruined it!

While we were sitting at Andrea's, a restaurant near our house, we were just finishing dinner and they were about to bring out the cake, and I started to have a hard time breathing! I told those around me how strange it was, but I was having a hard time. I made the through the cake, and decided that I was going out for some fresh air because it wasn't getting better. As SOON as I stood up, I had to sit down, I got really dizzy, and didn't have any balance. (this is where I don't remember) Michelle tried to help me up to go out, but I went down! She guided me to the floor. The waiter tried to help me up (I do remember look at his face and putting my head on his shoulder!). Crystal called 911 and they said that I should be laying on the floor. Sr. James started to touch my face and neck with her cold hands, and as I was 'coming to,' she told me to keep my eyes open. They brought water and ice, and as I was gaining consciousness, the paramedics came. They wheeled me out to the ambulance (yes, it went that far), and they checked my vitals and did an EKG...

Okay, the part that I'm leaving out is that I did have a half of a glass of wine...a half! That is probably the only logical thing that could have caused what happened, but it was a half of a glass! You all know that alcohol consumption is NOT my thing, so could have been an allergic reaction...I also was super tired...coming to the meal, I had a fairly empty stomach, but at like 4 pieces of bread before having the just doesn't make sense!

...everything checked out, but the guy was like "I recommend that you go to the hospital."

Uh uh. If I weren't feeling okay, I would have gone, but from the time they showed up I was feeling chest wasn't tight anymore, and all my vitals were good. I know it was a little risky, but I was NOT about to get ER bills just to sit there and them to tell me I was ok! So I walked home, arm-in-arm with Sr. Toni and Michelle. Made it back to the house where the sisters (oh, how I LOVE them!), we all waiting to make sure I was okay. Crys and Michelle, resisting my orders to go out, stayed in and tended to me (saints). They got me into bed and talked to me for a bit and then each went to was only 9:45pm! Crys kept her door open for me (thanks, girl!), and I slept ....and slept...and slept! I stayed low key today, didn't do anything i had planned to do accept went to mass at 5pm an dinner with Michelle, then headed to Sacred Heart! It was a slow day of making sure that I was still feeling okay, and I am so grateful to have the community that I have!!

I loved all of the time and care that went into making my birthday special! It's normally not that big of a deal, but I do have to admit that if anyone was going to make a big deal about it, they sure did it in a way that was very "Five," and I LOVED and appreciated every minute of it....until I passed out!

Thanks everyone!!!!! :)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Come and See What?

Last weekend the sisters had their Come and See experience at Sacred Heart. "Come and see what?" you may wonder. Many people asked me in the last month, "What exactly is a 'Come and See'?" For those of you unfamiliar with the need to promote vocation, some religious orders have been offering overnight/weekend experiences to invite people interested in learning about them (who, what, where, why, etc.) into their community. The sisters held one of these a few years back, and this one, held appropriately my year (no comments, please!), was a weekend to bring back the MSC (Missionary Sistesrs of the Sacred Heart of Jesus) Come and See.

Many of you may know that the senior sister residence of the MSCs has become like my second home in New York, and while I was excited to spend a night at their convent, I was also asking myself, "Come and see what?" One of the senior sisters even said, "You three (Crys, Michelle, and me)? You're already in!" True, I've already come and seen...these are my girls! The mission corps has given me the opportunity to come and see for the last 8 months! But, I entered the weekend with an open mind, and sure enough, I got more than I had bargained for.

One of the beautiful things about the MSCs is the way that the promote vocation, not just religious vocation, but call. The weekend focused primarily on being open to where our walk with Christ is leading, and getting to know Him in our lives. After an evening of prayer and faith sharing, we watched a 45min video clip of Sr. Helen Prejean, before watching Dead Man Walking, the film based on her book written about her ministry with prisoners on death row. The clip of Sr. Helen Prejean was simply breath taking. The way that she articulated her faith journey and conversion to minister, even as a vowed sister. It took her 20 years before she realized the importance of being in solidarity with the people that she was serving. It was an inspiring testimony to what the Gospel calls us to....often to controversy. We watched this and Dead Man Walking as an example of an active sister. The movie...WOW. Have you ever seen it?! When it came out, I wasn't old enough to see it. I had not seen it before, but I haven't reacted to a movie in that way in years! It is an incredibly honest account of the need for human dignity in our society!

That night, I got to sleep in the same room with the girls, which we LOVED! :) The next day we had breakfast with the sisters and met to spend time in prayer with the idea of Jesus calling us. "Come and See, Come and eat, Come and find rest, Come and I will make you fishers of men." We also spent time with our own faith journeys...I have gone through my faith journey here more times than ever, but every time I learn something more about where God has been, or how persistent Jesus was with me!

We then had mass and lunch with the sisters. We had a PowerPoint presentation on the MSCs, and then closed with prayer with the senior sisters and dinner. I didn't think that I needed to Come and See. The experience allowed me to come and pray, but also to spend some time with the sisters prefaced with vocation. It was very life-giving to spend time in conversation with them about when the entered, what let them to Cabrini, and what their advice was for me as someone looking at vowed religious life. I learned a lot, and as I love being there, decided to stay another night! Migue, the applicant, was headed home, so I took when with her in commute to Queens so we could talk. We talked the whole way back, and I stayed at her apt for a while. It was a great opportunity for me to check in with someone that has already applied, and it was very confirming of where I am in my life right now. I am so close! I just need to pray, pray and pray some more! Conversations with God and others, as well as openness to the Spirit will get me going in the right direction! Thanks for the prayers, they are definitely helping!

On my way home I fell asleep on the train in Queens, went through Manhattan (supposed to get off the last stop in Man.), and woke up in Brooklyn...Mary! I needed to wait for a train to come back uptown, and then take a bus downtown to the convent! Lesson learned: do not fall asleep on the train!

Peace, blessings and prayers for all! :) Happy Easter still!! :)

Milwaukee: A tour through God's Eyes!

I was able to go home for Easter this year. It was by far one of my best experiences of returning home. I had never been more excited for coming home! :) I went back for Holy Week, including Holy Thursday which is my FAVORITE day in the Church year, as it calls us to loving service. That service for me is always one of the most powerful. I would imagine that it is because it God's way of reminding me every year about the responsibility that I have, one to serve others, but a responsibility to be open to HOW and WHERE and WHY He is calling me!

The other experiences for Holy Week were just as powerful (the Stations of the Cross put on by the teenagers, and the passion and veneration that the adults did). One of my friends from my adolescent years was Confirmed at the Easter Vigil on Saturday, and Easter Sunday was beautiful as well!

It addition to a weekend full of liturgy, both preparation for, and the celebration of, the Resurrection, was the experience of relationship. Having become embarrassingly aware of how judgmental I am :( I wanted my experience to be one of openness, understanding, and love. Simply put, I wanted to work to see people through "God's eyes," not my own. For me most part, I would say that happened.

On Thursday I was able to spend time with Julie, who was in town for Easter. In the evening, Jess picked me up to spend a little time with the Konops, who have been my second family for years! Friday I spent the afternoon with my sisters and mother. Friday night I was able to spend time with Andrea, I always love our time for conversation :) Saturday a few of my brothers came over. I ran some errands and after the Easter Vigil went SALSA DANCING (the form of recreation I miss the most here! Its just so different going out in the city!) with Julie!! One Sunday after church, I took a nap ;) my brother that didn't come on Saturday came over, and then I drove down to IL to visit the Wuensch family! Over Christmas I made it down to see Scott, but this time I was able to see the whole family! :) I stayed overnight, and on my way back to WI I stopped in DesPlaines at the Retreat Center to spend time with one of our sisters, which was very enjoyable and fruitful! :) Monday was my last night with my family (Mom, sisters) as they were leaving for MI. We had a good time playing cards, and Steve was with us for a while too, which I LOVED :) Tuesday I had lunch with my dad, and packed to head back to NY!

All of these experiences with families of faith and biology, friends, etc. reminded me in just a few short days, how beautiful my life really has been. I was able, again for the most part, to just be open. I wish that it wasn't so hard for me, but I am not perfect, and I do have things to work on! Spending time at home with my siblings (older brothers, too!), I was able to just appreciate that we all come together in community, to share in fellowship. We are not all perfect, but we're part of a family. There is a lot of beauty and grace in that. I left home with a big sense of peace and gratitude for all that "home" is, and with excitement and energy around continuing to strengthen and cultivate all of those relationships in anyway that I can, expecially within my immediate family! :)

He is risen again! His death and resurrection can be traced in my life in such a way that is truly relieving to know that good will always triumph. At least we can rely on that! :)

April?! Alleluia!! :)

Sooo...My Account info says that my last post was April 11, 2010. But the most recently appearing post is from the middle of March! I need to work on this!

So, while you're waiting, we can at least reflect on the fact that Easter happened!!! YAY!!! He keeps overcoming death and sin! :)