Diana and Luke picked me up from the train station and they gave me a tour of the house...they live above 4 contemplative Good Shepherd sisters...I strategically tried to help them figure out what their names were (I really only discovered one). Peter and Sarah came home from working out and we hung out for a bit. Then Luke and I went to dinner in a nearby (as nearby as it gets) town, where we satisfied my week-long craving for a Gyro!! :) We stayed there for a while enjoying good food and great conversation, 2 wonderful blessings! After that we headed back and waited for Diana, Peter and Sarah to get back. They had gone out to eat and watched the Yankees/Phillies.
On Sunday we arrived at 11:25 to what we thought was 11:15 Spanish mass, but it wasn't until 3pm, so we took advantage, thankfully ;), of what was in the town...Target, Panera, Wal-Mart (shamefully). I felt a little foolish. The city is so expensive that I had to take advantage...with the bags I came back with, you would have thought that I was the one that lived in the middle of nowhere (Godisnowhere or Godisnowhere?)! Thanks guys :) It was really great to just be there, to see their community, and to spend a little time relaxing away from the city.
The week of work was shorter, as we left Thursday night to come down to Philly for the weekend. On Friday, we Cabrini Mission Corps missioners hitched a ride from the lovely Sisters Grace and Mary Lou. We dwarves arrived at the cute Gatehouse, at the entrance of Cabrini College, where we stayed with Sr. Christine (aka Snow White).
Friday, MC and I had a wonderful bonding experience of being interviewed by the college's radio station. It was yet another opportunity for us to reprocess what it is that we are here for. SO GOOD!!! Answering questions about CMC, Mother Cabrini, our ministries, call to service, and community with the sisters. Our discernment to in fact apply and become apart of the Cabrinian family was confirmed once again! I really love these girls! It was too fun to be interviewed. I, being too easily amused, was just thrilled to put on the headphones and just hear 'radio' lol The sound is incredible! Crys and Michelle just owned it!! Crys was like a natural with the microphone, and Michelle just had a beautiful way of articulating her responses so thoughtfully. I was scared of the mic and like hyperventilating!!! haha By the end, I was more comfortable, and it was really amazing to be gifted in sharing that experience!
We spent a few hours on campus at an info table for the Mission Corps. Only one seemed really interested....I guess Mother C is already working on her! It was good to spend time on campus and we were able to go to the concluding parts of the workshop on campus for students in the area discerning post-graduate service. We shared our discernment stories....again :) lol and were present for the prayer as well. Present at this workshop, were all of the other programs that I had considered last year. I think in meeting these wonderful people, I was confirmed, once again in my answer to the Cabrini charism!! LOVE HER!!! :)
We came back to the cottage with our directress, Gina, to have conversation with her and Sr. Christine. The girls and I went to bed on the earlier side. For breakfast, Michelled whipped up some amazing omlettes!! I needed to be up because...SARAH came Sat. morning!!! Gina took me in the AM to pick her up which was...a process. They dropped the girl off at this departure terminal that was super tiny, and she had no clue where she was...luckily our fearful directress knew where she was, so she ran to find her while I sat in the car...good sis, huh?? It was SO GREAT to see Sarah. Girl looks like a whole different person!!
Gina dropped us off in central city Philly, where we walked around, looked at the Liberty bell and other fun places. We enjoyed lunch and conversation nowhere other than...Chinatown. You put to Chinese-Polish girls in central city Philly, and they eat in Chinatown...don't judge!! It was so good! :) We spent a little more time walking around the city. We went to a Christian store where I knocked over EVERYTHING I could!!!! haha Sarah just kept laughing at me :( After that we took the train back to Radnor and enjoyed dinner with the rest of the crew (G+MC).
Sunday, we had more yummy omlettes and hung out before going to the Enneagram Workshop led by Sr. Barbara Leonardo! :) SO great!!!! We all knew exactly which person we were..well, Mich was a little unsure but we worked it out, and it is so fitting that the three of us have personalities that are drawn to one another... It explains so well how we got this to-good-to-be-true trio! You have to come see this! I will explain more later, but it is so great to identify our personalities in a way that will helps us be able to better strengthen ourselves and an oh-so-wonderful community! :)
Sarah and I have a tour of the college tomorrow, meet with admissions, and then we're headed up to the city!!!
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