I heard the quote via James Martin, that a "Sad nun is a bad nun..."
If that's true, we're in GOOD SHAPE! After a tiring and exhaustive week at the Extended Council meeting, our sisters rewarded themselves with fun! :) They deserved to reward themselves, and definitely had a good time along the way, laughing and singing together in the halls. BEAUTIFUL! :)
Coming from around the world: Spain, Italy, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Brazil, Agrentina. What a blessing to see a team of sisters gather to plan cross-borders and cross-cultures, to talk about the one thing that they all have in common - Passion, zeal, and commitment to the Cabrinian Mission, to be bearer's of the love of Christ in the World. I was incredibly inspired to see sisters that have worked hard all of their lives come together for prophetic planning for the good of their family, the Institute of the MSCs. There are barely even words to describe the admiration I have for these strong, powerful, dedicated and faith-filled women on a mission!
I am grateful, too, for all that they offer for the future of the Institute and carrying out Mother Cabrini's mission to bear Christ's love to the ends of the earth!
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