Saturday, September 11, 2010

Summer Away...Part III

HOME! (August 19-31)

Coming home was a time of closure for me. Not that I won’t be returning, but it was a time for me to see people that are important to me and share that with them. It was a time for me to discuss where I am in my life and to express that though I might not always be around, it doesn’t reflect just how grateful I am to have them in my life. It was a time to go home, and the graces given were, wisdom, joy, peace, and MORE LOVE!! :)

From home home to my Green Bay home, to Jules in Madison, to Scott in IL, to Sr. Bridget at the retreat house…so many people, so many wonderful experiences and conversations!

The first weekend I was at home my parish had their annual Family Festival. It was a great opportunity to walk the grounds and catch up with many people that have had a hand in my growing up! I also got to go dancing!! Before dancing, though, I was luck enough to have a LONG-OVERDUE visit with Dan…who knows, at least now, I hope just how pivotal a role he’s played in my life without knowing! TOO MUCH TIME WITHOUT SALSA!! My health and mental well-being got re-started!! The people at the Wherehouse are SO GOOD to me! They are just too beautiful and so genuine! Got to have dinner and an evening with Jess (even though we didn’t go to Chicago for the show I was invited to ;)…dinner with Joan, coffee with Sr. Patty…the list goes on. AND OF course, with Mary O!!! :) My youth minister from HS whose come a long ever step of this long journey in a short time! One of the days my brother and sister and law came over with my nieces and nephew…one thing that I can never forget is how everyone is getting so grown up and I’m missing it ALL!!!

In Green Bay I got to spend time with the family that I babysat for when I was in college! They were my family for 3 years and continue to be very special people in my life! I also got to see Carla, Crystal’s aunt that was a great contact to have up there! I also spent the night with Andrea’s sister and kid’s who have an exchange student for the next year! They put up more than anyone with my stories of the summer! I went to St. Norbert where I was able to visit the director and a member of the Norbertine Volunteer Community! I also got to spend time with my old (former ;) campus minister, and the director of community service and development. I also got to see one on my professors!! I hope to have another opportunity to go back!

In Madison, I got to see a little bit of the world Julie’s created in the last year, which didn’t exclude time for some fun and dancing! Great to see her, as she returned from the DR after I did. It was during this time when I got the infamous bite that …

well, most of you know, but here’s part of what the process was!! This, is in no way, a reflection of the visit!! :) I had a wonderful time!

My trip to IL was nothing short of grace-filled! A quick one-hour with Sr. Bridget at the retreat house in DesPlaines was a God-given hour, for sure! Afterwards I headed to see Scott! Scott, since college has been one of the most special friends that I have…that’s put up with me! It was nice to share my experience of the summer…especially Julio, with him. Julio, though a TOTAL SITUATION, was a big part of my discernment over the summer. I got to catch up and hear about his life, which he always seems to be better at than I am!! …I talked…mostly the whole time… :( dang. Why am I so lucky to have such beautiful people in my life? I also got to spend time with his family. Between Scott, his mom, and his sisters, I have just about the best group of supporters a girl could ever ask for. Again, what did I do to deserve such good and Spirit-led individuals?!

Oh, and one of my baby sisters is in college now. Can we talk about that? She was the one that got the crash course on diaper changing! Forget about babysitting class! She was 2 and I was 8! A mature 8 lol It was again, such a beautiful experience to see what was only the beginning of her transition to college life! I am so excited for her and thrilled to see her becoming more who God made her to be!! Go, Sarah ;)

My experience ended up and home, one more night of dancing and Jim, one of my favorites even took time before I left for NY to teach my sister, Rebecca (like that?) to salsa for a quinceañera! Can one person really be so fortunate?! Going home is just another reminder in life of how much God is present everywhere and always. That brief trip in many ways served as a life review at age 24, and I jgust keep thinking, “God, really? Yes, really.

Thanks for listening…or reading!

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